Established in 1981, FLW Southeast is a leading provider of Instrumentation Solutions to manufacturers in a wide range of industries, primarily in the Southeastern U.S. By combining world-class products, application expertise, and unsurpassed customer service, FLW Southeast enables its clients to increase manufacturing efficiencies, reduce production costs, and improve product quality and value.
FLW Southeast maintains a group of direct sales engineers capable of working closely with clients to support product sales and application assistance. Additionally, FLW Southeast offers one of the broadest ranges of instrumentation start-up & calibration services in the industry, and we continuously upgrade our standards and expand our service offerings to better serve our customers.
• The Process Analytics product group provides liquid & gas analytics solutions primarily to batch & process manufacturers, power generation, & municipal water/wastewater accounts. Key liquid monitoring parameters include pH, conductivity, DO, dissolved ozone, dissolved carbon dioxide, TOC, sodium, & silica. Key gas analytics products include fixed combustible & toxic gas detectors, TDL sensors for a variety of gasses, and in-situ oxygen & moisture analyzers
• The Process Instrumentation product group provides instrumentation for flow, level, pressure, & temperature measurement to batch & process manufacturers, power generation, & municipal water/wastewater accounts. Additional products include electric heaters & process ovens, position sensors, & valve positioners.
• The Test & Measurement Instruments product group provides High-Frequency Measurement Instruments (force, pressure, vibration), Dimensional Measurement Instruments, and Data Acquisition Systems to manufacturers in primarily discrete manufacturing. Additionally, Environmental Testing Products, including Environmental Chambers, Laboratory Ovens, & Shaker Systems are supplied for R&D and product testing applications.
Why Choose the SenSmart 5000 Gas Detectors with HART Option? Seamless Integration: HART is a trusted, field-proven instrumentation communications protocol.
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